Lincoln Day Ad Sponsorship and Dinner Reservations are due by tomorrow.
Please join us on Thursday, April 25th. Our Keynote Speaker is Greg Garrison, Hamilton County Prosecutor and former radio talk show host. Payment can be made through Venmo or by check and mailed to: PO Box 1346 Martinsville, IN 46151-0346 *** Get your Silent Auctions items to Brian Mayo, email or (317) 847-5404.***
Informal get together at Gather Round BBQ at 6 pm. Dutch Treat. See you there!!!
Today is the last day to vote in the Primary Election! May 7, 2024 Primary Election The major parties (Democratic and Republican) will have candidates for the following offices at the Primary Election: • President of the United States • United States Senator • Governor • United States Representative (all 9 seats) • State Senator …
GOP Breakfast Meeting at Brooklyn Christian Church, 7 S. Church Street Brooklyn, IN. This months breakfast will be hosted by your Morgan County GOP Executive Team! Republican candidates for Lt. Governor, Julie McGuire and Micah Beckwith will be joining us. Suggested Breakfast donation is $10. Hope to see you there!!!
Please join us for our GOP Monthly Breakfast! Our breakfast this month will be provided by Morgan County Clerk, Tammy Parker, and Morgan County Assessor, Reva Brummett. Tammy and Reva will speak about the roles their offices have in county government. Suggested Donation: $10 Hope to see you there!!!!
This has been postponed and we will update as soon as we have a definitive date and time.
In compliance with the provisions of the Indiana Election Code and pursuant to the Rules of the Republican Party of Indiana, adopted by the Indiana Republican State Central Committee, and pursuant to the resolutions of said Committee, a State Convention will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, for the purpose of nominating a candidate …
Meet at John Wooden Middle School at 8:30 am (Step Off at 10 am)
Meet at the Merchants Tent at the Morgan County 4-H Fairgrounds
The Morgan County 4-H Fair is fast approaching! We need our Candidates and Republicans to work our County GOP Booth EVERY EVENING July 5 - July 13 from 4 pm to 10 pm. Jennifer Walker has volunteered to be our volunteer contact person. Please sign up for one or more 2 hour shifts. Jennifer …
Continue reading "Morgan County Fair – Candidates and Republicans needed!"