Deadline for Golf Scramble Entries
Just a reminder that today is the deadline for the Golf Scramble entries to be received with the participants and payment either by Check or VENMO @morgancountygop Venmo
Just a reminder that today is the deadline for the Golf Scramble entries to be received with the participants and payment either by Check or VENMO @morgancountygop Venmo
The Morgan County GOP Golf Scramble Entry deadline is July 12th,
We need volunteers to help set up the booth for Old Settlers on July 31st at 3 PM
We need all our candidates to and Republican volunteers to work our Morgan County GOP Booth! Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Sunday from 3:30 - 8:00 pm Sunday Booth tear down at 8:00 PM Jennifer Walker has volunteered to be our volunteer contact person. Contact her at (317) 306-1282 …
Elephant Wings Meet Up Hoosier Que at Foxcliff Golf Club Dutch Treat This will be in an air conditioned location for our first Thursday Elephant Wings Meet-up this month. Check out the amazing selection of bourbons available at Hoosier Que!
Meet at Mooresville High School parking lot at 12:30 pm. Candidates should bring their signs for the GOP Wagon and their own candy to distribute. Parade step off is at 2 pm.
Training for all Precinct Committeemen will take place on August 23rd at the Morgan County Administration Building. Mark your calendars!!!
Paragon Homecoming 100th Anniversary Parade Meet Loren Moore at our float at Paragon Elementary School at 5 pm. Candidates should bring your yard signs for the float and your own candy. Step off is at 6 pm
An informal get together at Gather Around BBQ. Dutch Treat! Hope to see you there!
We need Candidates and Precinct Committeemen to work the Morgan County Republican Booth during the Monrovia Festival. Please bring your candidate signs and pamphlets/hand outs. Please contact Jennifer Walker ASAP to schedule your time to volunteer at the booth. Contact Info is 317-306-1282 or by email at
Meet Loren Moore at our float at Monrovia High School parking lot. The parking lot is off of SR 39. Entrance #3 at 1:45 pm. Candidates should bring your yard signs for the float and your own candy. Step off is at 3 pm
Join us at our next Trump Roadside Rally! We will be hosting this rally at the Mooresville Village Shopping Center. We will once again be selling our Trump/Vance yard signs. Last months' rally was very popular and we met a lot of folks who were excited to get a Trump sign.